Compounding for infant reflux and colic

What is colic?

Colic is defined as a regular periods of intense crying from an otherwise healthy and well-fed baby. Most often, the crying has no apparent cause. Colic does not typically result in any long-term problems, and most colicky babies will grow out of the condition between four months and one year of age. Babies cry for many different reasons, and the diagnosis of colic must exclude all other potential causes of crying. When a baby’s colic has been diagnosed as caused by stomach acid reflux (also known as GORD, see below), a doctor may prescribe a liquid  formulation.

How can a Compounding Pharmacy Help?

At present there are no commercially available liquids for reflux. Many formulations are bitter tasting making it very hard to give a baby a dose. At Border Compounding Pharmacy, we can prepare babies medication that is pleasant in flavour which makes it ideal for use with infants.

Contact our pharmacists if you would like any more advice regarding formulations for infants. 

More Information

To learn more about pleasant-tasting infant formulations, please contact us.

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